Positive Psychology Coaching – Tackling the Current Workplace Challenges
Is everything running smoothly in your organization regarding employees? If you can answer “yes” to this question, consider yourself lucky. However, this is, unfortunately, not the norm, as many companies are facing massive challenges. Current Workplace Challenges The World is increasingly volatile, unsecure, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA world). Agility and digitalization are central topics for […]
Digital Transformation requires a cultural shift
«Make it personal» was the motto of this year’s Digital Festival Zurich. I truly enjoyed the panel discussion with Dr. Elena Cortona, Alice Sachova, Doris Albisser, and Christiane Leister who emphasized that for a successful digital transformation a strong commitment of the Board of Directors, the Executive Board, and, finally, of everybody in the organization […]
Three Principles for Successful Remote Leadership: Trust, Flexibility, and Creativity
«With digitalization, the leadership framework for executives has been changing for years, offering more flexibility and automation to the courageous who embraced these new methods. With COVID-19, one of the accelerated aspects of digitalization was remote leadership, which became a reality for a wide range of executives.” Remote leadership means leading a virtual team and […]
How to Master the Fine Art of Strategical Networking
“Strategical networking builds valuable relationships, and not only flashing opportunities.” When done well, strategical networking with one relevant person automatically leads to building another relevant relationship because a valuable connection is established, e.g., due to mutual interests, similar goals, values, or professional passion. In this context, it is crucial to firstly reflect on your business […]
“The Golden Five”: A Path to Well-being and, Ultimately, to Career Success
The term “The Golden Five” refers to five character strengths that have consistently related to well-being (Park et al., 2004). These are hope (i.e., the belief that one can create a good future), zest (i.e., feeling energized towards life), gratitude (i.e., being aware of and grateful for the positive aspects of life), love (i.e., the […]
Should Good Leaders Have Leadership as one of Their Central Character Strengths?
Leadership Leadership is one of the 24 character strengths, as suggested by Peterson and Seligman (2004). More specifically, leadership is the disposition of organizing and encouraging a group to get tasks accomplished while managing to maintain harmonious relations in the group (VIA Character, 2020). Some individuals who had leadership as a character strength were Franklin […]
Executives: How Flourishing is Your Life?
“The good life is using your signature strengths every day to produce authentic happiness and abundant gratification.”, Martin Seligman (founder of Positive Psychology) A flourishing life: What is it? Flourishing means, simply defined, experiencing positive core psychological features, e.g., engagement, meaning, and purpose (Seligman, 2012). There are five paths to build a flourishing life described […]
How You Can Apply Your Character Strengths at Work
Character strengths Character strengths are positive, individual, and measurable units of good character, such as perseverance, teamwork, and honesty (Harzer & Ruch, 2013). It is interesting to note that character strengths can be ranked regarding their centrality for the individual (Harzer & Ruch, 2013). In other words, perseverance may be more present in some people, […]
“Positive Leadership: A Path to Excellent Results.”
“Concentrating on the positive and on strengths offers tangible benefits for both employees, teams and the company as a whole” (Hunziker, 2018, original quote in German). Positive Leadership Positive Leadership is a particular leadership approach that aims to achieve outstanding results by systematically focusing on human strengths (Seliger, 2014; Hunziker, 2018). Jim Mallozzi, a former […]
“What is Your Purpose in Life? Live Your Strengths to Find Your Meaning.”
“He who has a WHY to live can bear almost any HOW (Nietzsche)”. I have asked my ten-year-old daughter recently: “What is your purpose in life?” She gave me such a prompt, clear, and meaningful answer, which amazed me. Even for adults, it is often not easy to answer this question spontaneously. However, why is […]